MIDI 2.0 Specs Released!

MIDI 2.0 Specs Released!

After over a decade of work, the final specification documents for MIDI 2.0 have been released to the public! There’s a fantastic article on the MIDI.org site that explains what the hubbub is all about that I’ll just point you at rather than rewriting...
Making Spectrograms in JUCE

Making Spectrograms in JUCE

Spectrogram of swelling trumpet sound Art+Logic’s Incubator project has made a lot of progress. In a previous post I mentioned that Dr. Scott Hawley’s technique to classify audio involved converting audio to an image and using a Convolutional Neural...
Art+Logic Talks MIDI 2.0

Art+Logic Talks MIDI 2.0

For the past year or so, I’ve been working as one of a group of developers within the Protocol Working Group of the MIDI Manufacturers Association to create prototype tools and applications that implement the upcoming MIDI 2.0 specification as it’s worked its way through many drafts to the point where it’s now ready to be voted on as an official standard. Read on for details on some upcoming talks I’ll be presenting on it.

Unlocking the Web Audio API

Unlocking the Web Audio API

“It’s going to be a music machine – like, full keyboard and everything – but
each of the keys is going to be mapped to – wait for it – cat sounds! We’ll call
it the ‘Meowsic Machine’! Oh, and we need it to be accessible to everyone via the
Web. Which is easy, right?
You are reminded that the universe can be a cruel place.
It’s now your job to make this happen.

Incubator Kick-off

Incubator Kick-off

Art+Logic has kicked-off its first software Incubator project, and I was selected to handle the development effort. After meeting Dr. Scott Hawley and being briefed on the technique he uses for classification of audio files using neural networks (NN), and determining...