A Django-Style Admin Interface For Pyramid

A Django-Style Admin Interface For Pyramid

pyramid_formalchemy provides a CRUD interface for Pyramid based on FormAlchemy. Which is to say it looks at your SQLAlchemy models and automagically generates an HTML interface to create, read, update and delete instances of those models from the database, very much...

Interactive Widgets in IPython Notebooks

This post will show you how to easily create interactive graphs which are simple to share. IPython notebooks are a really nice way of sharing Python snippets intermingled with the results of those snippets and markdown. They’re popular in the scientific...
Two Things I Missed Functional Testing with WebTest

Two Things I Missed Functional Testing with WebTest

Ian Bicking’s WebTest is a helpful module for running functional tests against a WSGI app. You may already be using it, it’s the suggested way to test Pyramid apps, TurboGears and Google App Engine, and (although I have no experience with this) you can use...
Cornice and SQLAlchemy

Cornice and SQLAlchemy

Cornice provides helpers to build and document REST-ish Web Services with Pyramid; and SQLAlchemy is the best Python ORM. I wanted to use Cornice and SQLAlchemy to make a simple RESTful webapp and couldn’t find any info on how to put them together. Here’s...
Pool.map is Handy.

Pool.map is Handy.

Processes and queues are the way to go to scale software performance. But I also recently found out about pool.map, which allows you to write less code (you don’t have to do anything with Queue) and get similar effects. The basic usage is pool.map(some_func,...