Factories, not Fixtures

Factories, not Fixtures

For years, the most common way to provide test data for automated tests has been fixtures – hard-coded values, usually stored in text files.  For example, here’s some YAML-formatted data for a city model object: – model: city fields: id: 1 name: Los...

Recording Audio & Video with HTML5 (co-starring Meteor)

A few weeks ago I got a germ of an idea in my head for a personal web-application that required recording and playing video, something with which I have had very little experience. I have seen how effortless is it to play video with HTML5 so I thought this would be...
Digging Into the Objective-C Runtime

Digging Into the Objective-C Runtime

Greg Parker recently tweeted a link to fantastic site he created, An Illustrated History of objc_msgSend, that provides a trip through history of one of the likely most often called, but unheard of functions in iOS or OS X, objc_msgSend. The function dates back to...

Go Nuts!

I’m experimenting with Go recently for some side projects I’m working on, and am really enjoying working with it so far. It has a great standard library, is fast, is built to support great tools, and has a great community. I first learned about it through...
Spin Up That Development VM with Vagrant

Spin Up That Development VM with Vagrant

Large hard drives and spare CPU cycles have made running multiple virtual machines off your MacBook feasible, and VirtualBox + Linux have made it free.  But actually setting up a VM for each development project always seemed like a bit too much trouble – until I met...