Learnable Programming

More on a recurring theme — Bret Victor has just posted “an immune response” to the Khan Academy’s recent additions covering Computer Science and programming: Here’s a trick question: How do we get people to understand programming? Khan...

Khan Academy Tackles CS Education

I’m very excited to learn that Khan Academy has been working with John Resig (creator of jQuery) to develop a new computer science curriculum heavily influenced by Bret Victor’s talk on responsive programming environments. Check out the video they made...

Friday Linked List (06/01/12)

Three cheers and a tiger for me — today is my 15th anniversary with Art & Logic, and in lieu of a party I’ve decided to dump some links that have collected in my pinboard account: First, two different blog posts discussing ideas about user interface...

Yes, Do Learn To Code!

My usual pre-work routine is to walk the dog (working at home, this is my counterpart to a commute), pour my first cup of coffee, and then curl up for a little while with Google Reader. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve selected feeds that are too...