Efficient Swift

Efficient Swift

Long ago I gave some off the cuff, first impressions about Swift. Since then there have been several upgrades to the language, but I have only recently found myself trying it out. Specifically, I decided I had the time and inclination to implement Conway’s Game of Life. I wanted to try Swift on as a language, see how hard it makes me work to get to the bytes, and see how efficient I could make my code. Life’s matrix of cells provides a good substitute for the kind of byte by byte programming I often need to do and gave easy measurement opportunities by timing the updates of the life matrix, AKA ticks. What did I learn?

Swift Journal: Day One

Swift Journal: Day One

Learning a language is sometimes confusing I decided to jump right into Swift without doing any research into the writing done over the past month so that my opinions were not colored. My background is in the C/C++ and, lately, Objective-C of which I’ve become...

Swift Link Dump

Apple surprised the Mac and iOS developer community at WWDC with the announcement of Swift, a new language for developing apps for OS X and iOS. With each beta release of iOS 8, Yosemite, and Xcode 6 the language has been evolving and the community has been quick to...