by Adam Singleton
In my last post I took a closer look at how the Apollo iOS GraphQL client executes queries and what the resulting JSON looks like. In this post I’m going to focus on how the JSON is parsed and converted to the native Swift types generated by the apollo-codegen tool and also look at how the Apollo iOS client caches results.
by Adam Singleton
Long ago I gave some off the cuff, first impressions about Swift. Since then there have been several upgrades to the language, but I have only recently found myself trying it out. Specifically, I decided I had the time and inclination to implement Conway’s Game of Life. I wanted to try Swift on as a language, see how hard it makes me work to get to the bytes, and see how efficient I could make my code. Life’s matrix of cells provides a good substitute for the kind of byte by byte programming I often need to do and gave easy measurement opportunities by timing the updates of the life matrix, AKA ticks. What did I learn?