There are probably some folks who haven’t noticed that we also have a separate Executive Blog that’s more business-focused than our Developer blog is. Here are some recent posts from there that you might be interested in, or you might know someone who would be interested in them.
The Real Cost of Custom Software Development: Uncovering What’s Hidden
The first important thing to remember is that software development is not analogous to physical manufacturing, or any other production process. Its methodology is unique, and when decision-makers plan a software project based, consciously or unconsciously, on the assumptions of another production methodology, it can mask a variety of key costs.
The need for coding, for example – active “fingers on keyboards” time – is obvious. But not everyone anticipates the necessity of management time and coordination if a software development team is carrying out the project. (read the rest…)
Understanding the Software Development Process: Success Beyond the Technical and The Tasks
Software is a unique type of product, and for those who have never tried to create a custom application before, the process isn’t always clear. But when you’re starting an engagement with a development partner, it’s important to understand how an excellent application is born.
So what does it really take to build custom software? How can you prepare yourself and prevent some of the most common mistakes?
Continuous refinement
Arguably, the most important thing to understand about the software development process is that it’s iterative: you and your development team will wash, rinse, and repeat over and over again, re-adjusting and tweaking the application’s development track, toward your end result, which is usually termed the alpha candidate. (read the rest…)
Custom Software ROI and How it Affects Your Bottom Line
What are some of the most common ways that organizations achieve a favorable return on investment when developing custom software?
On the whole, there are two types of custom software, each with vastly different types of prospective returns. The way you evaluate software ROI will necessarily depend on the type of project you’re undertaking. Let’s examine them one by one. (read the rest…)