The Fractalization of Requirements

The Fractalization of Requirements

Remember learning about fractals in math or science class? They’re repeating patterns that can be viewed at any scale. That is, keep zooming in on a fractal and you’ll keep seeing the same image — and the same complexity. When a project is first estimated, requirements are usually written at a high level with relatively little attention to detail. That’s especially true today, with the current focus on early releases, beta software, and fast iterations. Why write down a lot of details that are likely to be thrown away before implementation when the first customer release sends the app in a completely different direction?

Ceci n’est pas un Chat: the Art of Custom Software Development

Ceci n’est pas un Chat: the Art of Custom Software Development

How many times have I sat across from a client or potential client vigorously flogging the term “custom software development” to describe what they needed done (or thought we were doing ) and found that the client and I had vastly different understandings of what that term means? It is incredibly disconcerting to expect to see a cat and, instead, see, say, a loaded baked potato . . . or a mini pig in a tutu . . . or, less fatuously, auto manufacturing. What, exactly, is custom software development?