Not terribly long ago, XML was the darling of the web. HTML4 was reformulated as XHTML 1.0, SOAP messages were XML, and let us not forget XMLHttpRequest. XML’s 15 minutes of fame came and went, however, when JSON entered the scene. Your ajax request today is far...
Last time, I talked about what a sales receipt represented in JSON format might look like. But in the aftermath, I realized something important: I had left too many options open for how to display the information. Initially that detail wasn’t a concern, and I...
If Costco keeps a record in their database of every item I’ve ever bought and when, why can’t I keep my own database of that information? For only my own purchases, of course, not yours. Mainly it’s because I don’t have an underage, underpaid...
I have a confession: I’m a recovering webcomics addict. I used to follow up to fifty at a time, and I have a couple hundred bookmarked, which is not to speak of those disqualified. As you might imagine, this takes up a lot of time. I finally managed to suppress...