our blog
Art+Logic Harnesses Technical Excellence and Design Elegance to Tackle Software and Hardware “Impossibles”
From Music Entrepreneur News: Art+Logic has been cultivating the creativity and skill required to navigate challenging software and hardware development projects for nearly 30 years. An all-remote team of North America-based developers and designers, the firm has...
How Google’s Fitbit Acquisition Will Help It Further Compete With Apple
From Observer.com Last week’s announcement that Google would be acquiring fitness tracking company Fitbit left the wearables industry concerned about a potential monopoly. The deal will see Alphabet-owned Google purchase the company at $7.35 per share in cash, thus...
Art+Logic In the Real World
There are a few events coming up in the next few weeks where A+L will have people in attendance. If you’re going to be there or nearby, please get in touch and we’ll meet up.
Discover Machine Learning
Machine learning is not new, but advances in both hardware and software have recently opened the gate of possibilities. Automated drones and vehicles are capable of getting themselves from point A to point B without (much?) human intervention thanks to machine learning and artificial neural networks. With an extremely small amount of effort, software can now be developed to do incredible things with neural networks which couldn’t be done just a few years ago.
REST From the Bottom Up
The RESTful API has a funny place in the software development world: it’s widely regarded as the best general-purpose pattern for building web application APIs, and yet it’s also nebulous enough of a concept to cause endless disagreements within teams over exactly how to implement one.
friz and the Illusion of Life
As is often the case, I found myself working on a personal project and had some UI elements that *really* wanted to have some life to them on the screen. I started sketching some ideas in code, and by the time I was done with it, had created a reusable framework to add fairly rich animation capabilities to programs written using the JUCE application framework, where I have been doing a lot of work these past few years.
Smart Living Things
Recently, I had to re-educate my garage door opener. Our house on a hill in San Francisco occasionally settles, and the door is experiencing different stresses than it did 5 years ago when I installed a new opener. So I had to re-teach it how to open and close the...
The Sunsetting of Python 2x
“Sunsetting.” It sounds so pleasant -- a sky of golden rays flanked by purples and reds and oranges. The end of the day. Or, for software developers, the end of life of a technology or version of that technology that can, depending on the prevalence of the technology,...
We Code the “Impossible”—Not the Impossible
At some custom software firms, it is their primary goal to make a sale–any sale–without concern for how the project will be accomplished. There are software salespeople who will promise the moon and stars in three months for a fixed cost of $10,000. In fairness to the developers at those firms, the salespeople do not involve them in the sales process, so they are usually the first to be surprised, long before the client is disappointed. Many software horror stories going back decades start in such ways.
Art+Logic Talks MIDI 2.0
For the past year or so, I’ve been working as one of a group of developers within the Protocol Working Group of the MIDI Manufacturers Association to create prototype tools and applications that implement the upcoming MIDI 2.0 specification as it’s worked its way through many drafts to the point where it’s now ready to be voted on as an official standard. Read on for details on some upcoming talks I’ll be presenting on it.
Unlocking the Web Audio API
“It’s going to be a music machine – like, full keyboard and everything – but
each of the keys is going to be mapped to – wait for it – cat sounds! We’ll call
it the ‘Meowsic Machine’! Oh, and we need it to be accessible to everyone via the
Web. Which is easy, right?
You are reminded that the universe can be a cruel place.
It’s now your job to make this happen.
What We’re Reading This Summer
Summer is here! Just as we did around the holidays, we decided to share some of the books we’ll be reading over the next couple of months. Amy Cox I'm reading Japanese Tales of the Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library. Would like to get into the PFTFL's volumes of...