The Substance of Style

The Substance of Style

In my recent post on working remotely, I’m realizing that I kind of blew past something that we’ve always felt was key to making working on a series of projects for many different projects like working for Art & Logic on A&L projects, not a series...
Bootstrap ALL the Things?

Bootstrap ALL the Things?

Bootstrap is a CSS framework that serves as a starting point for your website or web-application’s user interface styling. It has become very popular now, being the #1 trending repository on as of August 20, 2013. It is definitely a great asset, but should...
Word Processing in HTML

Word Processing in HTML

I know a lot of people who hate word processors. For us web developers, we know how to optimally structure a web page and how to effectively apply cascading styles, so why can’t we ditch the word processor and simply use HTML? With the power of HTML, CSS3, and some...
Oh, drop downs, you cheeky little things!

Oh, drop downs, you cheeky little things!

Why is it? Form elements are fully customizable using simple CSS styling except <select> drop downs. Oh sure, you can tweak colors, sizes, fonts, etc. but I’m talking about overriding the native controls and really making them your own. Of course, you can use...