

D3: Getting Interactive With Your SVG Elements


In my previous two articles about D3, I wrote about what D3 is (and is not) and data binding. This month we’ll begin exploring user interaction with elements on a SVG canvas.
We’ll progress over a series of “slides,” each showing an active SVG element with narrative text describing the key points of the slide, along with the javascript code that generated the SVG. As this is a tutorial on user interaction with SVG, you get to play along as we go.
This tutorial is a single-page app requring a modern browser (tested on recent chrome, firefox, IE). This tutorial can be run live in your browser at the wonderful site. If so inclined, you can also clone the tutorial from gist and run it locally on your computer.
Regardless of how you view the tutorial, you can leave comments about it here.

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Accurate Timing

Accurate Timing

In many tasks we need to do something at given intervals of time. The most obvious ways may not give you the best results. Time? Meh. The most basic tasks that don't have what you might call CPU-scale time requirements can be handled with the usual language and...

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