by Adam Singleton
Vue 3 introduces some compelling new features, but also many breaking changes. The question is, how do you get there? Fortunately, the Vue.js team has recently released the Migration Build, which makes it possible (and easy) to make a smooth transition from v2 to v3.
by Christopher Keefer
“It’s going to be a music machine – like, full keyboard and everything – but
each of the keys is going to be mapped to – wait for it – cat sounds! We’ll call
it the ‘Meowsic Machine’! Oh, and we need it to be accessible to everyone via the
Web. Which is easy, right?
You are reminded that the universe can be a cruel place.
It’s now your job to make this happen.
by Christopher Keefer
Last time we discussed the Fetch API in general, taking a look at how it differed from the XMLHttpRequest API, and some of its advantages. Today, we’re going to take a look at a little library that you can include in your projects today that offers you localStorage caching for the Fetch API.