AngularJS for jQuery Developers

AngularJS for jQuery Developers

AngularJS is a sweet web app framework. It comes with decent official documentation and samples, it looks superior among a large number of frameworks in an almost-real-world application test (the famous TodoMVC project), and there are cool presentations and...
Made In The Shade With Bower

Made In The Shade With Bower

The best laid plans… It started out so simple. The thing you originally designed was just some simple HTML, a bit of CSS, and just enough jQuery to talk to your server back-end and update the DOM. What you ended up maintaining, however, has mutated into a...

Khan Academy Tackles CS Education

I’m very excited to learn that Khan Academy has been working with John Resig (creator of jQuery) to develop a new computer science curriculum heavily influenced by Bret Victor’s talk on responsive programming environments. Check out the video they made...