The State of Async/Await

The State of Async/Await

A long time ago, asynchronous programming was an exotic practice. Not many people were doing it, and their code was punctuated with things like assembly language and processor interrupts. Less anciently, preemptive multitasking OS’s made asynchronous programming more accessible, albeit often still with arcane and unnatural boilerplate, not to mention hazards of sharing mutable data. (read more…)

Radically Cross Platform: Scripting with Kablooie

How would you design your own ideal scripting language?  Would you go with a functional language in the LISP family, or with a more procedural style?  Would you offer object oriented organization?  Would large parts of your ideal language be recognizable as C or...
You Got LISP in my Python!

You Got LISP in my Python!

I’ve always been intrigued by the idea that Peter Norvig put forward, that "Basically, Python can be seen as a dialect of Lisp with "traditional" syntax." Apparently, there are folks who don’t find this sufficient. Enter "Hy"....