Friday Linked List 5/3/13

A quick twitter round up things that we’ve pointed to over at @artandlogic. You are following us, right? Illumiroom Microsoft Research released a very cool video of a research project that projection-maps additional video content outside the area of a TV...
AngularJS for jQuery Developers

AngularJS for jQuery Developers

AngularJS is a sweet web app framework. It comes with decent official documentation and samples, it looks superior among a large number of frameworks in an almost-real-world application test (the famous TodoMVC project), and there are cool presentations and...

The Little Manual of API Design

This morning, a reference to a short and well written PDF written by an engineer at Trolltech/Nokia came through my feed reader. It’s only 33 pages long, and every one of those pages has solid guidelines, recommendations, and examples (both good and bad) of...

GitHub’s Mantle for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch

Earlier this week GitHub announced Mantle, a model framework for Objective-C that is lighter weight than Core Data and well suited to implementing a model layer for an app that interacts with web services. The project is available on GitHub and also as a Cocoapods pod...

Projucer: Coming Soon (video!)

There have been several projects over the last few years here at Art & Logic where we’ve used the excellent JUCE cross-platform C++ application framework. It’s pretty widely used in the pro audio world, since it has extensive support for all the kinds...