
2014 Review: Day 5


As 2014 winds down, we’ll take an opportunity to look back at some of our most-read posts from this year, in case you missed them the first time. We’re halfway done! 
Software screen capture
Here on day 5 of our year-end blog review, Christopher Keefer shows us how to create custom information windows for Google Maps:

Custom Google Maps Info Windows

When it comes time to relate the ephemeral world of data to the physical world, Maps are key in both enterprise and consumer applications. Whatever else you might think of it, Google Maps tends to be the default option – certainly, its the only one I’ve ever had clients ask for by name.
Even when they do ask for it specifically, though, the client generally wants to set ‘their map’ apart from the generic experience – and this isn’t as easy a task as it might be. There are a lot of areas of customization for google maps that might make for a good article, but today we’ll focus on custom info windows – those displays that pop up when you click on a marker.
And there’s one added wrinkle that might catch your interest – we need to extend a google maps api object asynchronously.

Read the entire 2014 Review

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