Think Like an Executive

Think Like an Executive

There are probably some folks who haven’t noticed that we also have a separate Executive Blog that’s more business-focused than our Developer blog is. Here are some recent posts from there that you might be interested in, or you might know someone who...
2014 Review: Day 10

2014 Review: Day 10

Last day of 2014, last day of our look back at the Art & Logic Developer Blog’s year…   My turn again, in which I think about software development, and how important it is that clients understand its actual nature, and how it differs from other...
2014 Review: Day 9

2014 Review: Day 9

Taking an opportunity to look back at some of our most-read posts from this year, in case you missed them the first time, as the last few days of the year slip by us… In our penultimate look back at 2014’s developer blog, Fran Bull talks about using interactive...

2014 Review: Day 8

Taking an opportunity to look back at some of our most-read posts from this year, in case you missed them the first time, as the last few days of the year slip by us…   My turn! Earlier this year I wrote about a little Twitterbot that I wrote to...