our blog
Art+Logic recently acquired Accomplio, one of the leading product development firms in San Francisco.
For several years, now, since before the term Internet of Things came into vogue, Art+Logic has been developing IoT-type software solutions for our clients. With the acquisition of Accomplio, a leading product development firm specializing in hardware and software for...
Please, Don’t Copy Airbnb’s Pitch Deck
Creating a pitch deck can be overwhelming, so naturally, we turn to the internet to give us some sound advice. We’ve all read articles examining “Pitch Deck Examples from Successful Startups” with Airbnb usually listed at the top. Unfortunately, these articles have lead entrepreneurs to believe there’s a simple formula for building a pitch: replicating Airbnb’s deck.
Here are three reasons why you shouldn’t copy Airbnb’s deck:
What is Blockchain?
At its most basic level, blockchain is a digital-distributed ledger that people around the world can use to exchange information or anything else of value, such as money, titles, contracts, music, video, energy, etc., through encrypted, secure transactions. Businesses...
Art+Logic Named One of the Top Design and Software Development Agencies in Los Angeles
Art+Logic was named one of the “Top Creative, Design, and Development Companies in Los Angeles 2018” by Clutch. Our accolades were in the categories of Software Developers, Graphic Designers, Digital Design Agencies, and .NET Developers. According to Clutch, companies...
Art+Logic @ SXSW2018
Once again, Art+Logic will have folks attending the annual South by Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas. If you’re there and want to speak with someone from our sales, engineering, or recruiting groups, we’ll be attending from March 9-14.
To set up a meeting, send an email to inquiries@artandlogic.com or send a Direct Message on Twitter to @artandlogic.
The Internet of Things and the Future of Healthcare
The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to drive change and innovation across many industries. In the world of IoT, devices collect and exchange data with each other, making it easier to analyze massive amounts of information accurately and more efficiently.
What Are Progressive Web Apps?
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) continue to gain popularity within the tech community and are on course to become an integral part of app development. PWAs use modern web techniques to deliver a native app-like experience to users. While some companies like Twitter and...
Digging In The Dirt: 27 Years Of Project Data
About 10 years ago, Art+Logic christened its homebuilt project tracking and management system. At our Annual Conference that year, we voted on the name “Trantor.” I’m not a sci-fi nut like most of my colleagues but, apparently, the name comes from Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Series. Trantor was . . .
Art+Logic: Rebranding Ourselves
Who ARE we? You may have noticed that we changed our logo. We felt it was time to revise our design so it continues to represent our unique blend of art and logic while also connoting the kind of strong, solid, and innovative work we do. How to achieve this goal sparked some amazing conversations about who we are . . .
Art+Logic Invites Submissions for New Software Incubator Lab.
Art+Logic announces the launch of a new software incubator called the Art+Logic Lab. This incubator lab will focus on developing a working prototype of a selected software project. This first iteration of the lab will target the music technology and professional audio...
Azure Cloud: Mining the Ether (a practical guide)
A Practical guide to Mining and Transferring Tokens of Your Own Private Cryptocurrency "Which cryptocurrency is better? Mine, of course! Please don't make me sign up to another service, just let me trade Ether and create Tokens ..." Like many old-school developers, my...
Milestone versus Waterfall Development
Milestone-driven software development is Art+Logic’s proprietary, iterative development process based on proven agile principles. Each iteration contains all phases of a project: requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, and delivery. Software is built incrementally from the start of the project instead of trying to deliver it all at once. This approach helps teams respond to unpredictability by promoting consistent and frequent opportunities for feedback.