I’ve been writing a series of posts here over the last few months discussing the JUCE C++ application framework and how useful it’s been in creating the ‘Scumbler’ looping audio performance application that’s my current nights &...
I realized something about my life right around the time that I was getting ready to ask my girlfriend to marry me: if I wanted to eat well at home, I was going to have to learn to cook, because she lacked the interest and patience required to cook well (or at all, in...
This past week I finished reading the very interesting book, How Google Tests Software. I first heard about this book from an IT-Conversations interview with one of its co-authors, James Whittaker. The interview provides a good overview of many of the key points made...
I’d like to expand on Brett’s post a bit with some more recent books that I’ve enjoyed. And another which is perhaps a few clicks off the maintained trail. The Algorithm Design Manual (Steven Skiena) I’ll kick this discussion off with the fact...
Going through my RSS feeds this morning after a week away, I see this post from DHH at 37 Signals: There are so many programming books out there, but most focus on specific technologies and their half-life is incredibly short. Others focus on process or culture. Very...