by Adam Singleton
So, I’m working on a side project (as one does), and reach the point in development where I need to be able to take a tree of objects that all share a common base class and persist them to and from disk.
I prefer using plain text files to binary for a bunch of different reasons, so the problem really boils down to:
At runtime, I need to be able to convert a string containing the name of a class into a pointer to an object of the corresponding C++ class. Sounds simple, right?
by Adam Singleton
You’re curious about how SnapChat can apply those stamps, you want to create an autonomous controller for your USB controlled Nerf missile launcher, or maybe you have an actual business need. Here is a simple formula to get started with OpenCV so that you can achieve your Computer Vision dreams.
by Adam Singleton
A long time ago, asynchronous programming was an exotic practice. Not many people were doing it, and their code was punctuated with things like assembly language and processor interrupts. Less anciently, preemptive multitasking OS’s made asynchronous programming more accessible, albeit often still with arcane and unnatural boilerplate, not to mention hazards of sharing mutable data. (read more…)