It’s common for iOS applications to preserve their state when quitting, so that the next time the user launches the app, their previous session is restored. Apple reduced the development burden for this state restoration in iOS 6 with their State Preservation...
I saw Square’s PonyDebugger project on GitHub a while back, starred it, and made a mental note to try it out in my next iOS project. It’s simply fantastic — easy to setup and incredible to use. If you’re an iOS developer be sure to add this one to...
Core Data provides a capable framework for connecting data to an iOS user interface. The framework doesn’t so much reduce code as it does abstract the SQLite interface in order to support advanced features. However, in doing so it masks certain implementation...
In order to store private data in an iOS Core Data database, there are several methods available for encryption, including: iOS-level data protection based on the device passcode open source projects like SQLCipher for iOS that encrypt the database file However,...