When Bad Projects Happen to Good People

When Bad Projects Happen to Good People

One of my favorite software-related quotes is the opening line of Anna Karenina: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” It seems that every software project that goes off the rails is the result of its own unique set of...
Coding Humans

Coding Humans

Some days are hard. On my tax forms, I check the box that indicates that my job is “Sales.” That’s not exactly true but it’s easy. My father thinks I write contracts and negotiate business deals. The rest of my family sees me as a sort of extra-long titled...
Socks and Sandals (and software-development faux pas)

Socks and Sandals (and software-development faux pas)

I’ve worked with a lot of clients and potential clients over the past 10+ years. Sometimes, in conversation about a project, the client will roll out, oh-so-casually, one of about 10 pat statements that reveal a pernicious and erroneous belief about the process of...