Float Label – From Shot to Repo in a Day

In late September Matt D. Smith posted a shot on Dribbble of a mobile interaction pattern that he was working on with the goal of improving mobile form usability. In the shot he’s subtly animating placeholder values so that they change color and...
Radically Cross Platform with Xamarin

Radically Cross Platform with Xamarin

Shared cross platform development is a concept that resonates very positively with all of us as programmers. It’s a nice outworking of the DRY principle, and seems like it would free engineers up to accomplish more.  So why is it so rare that we do it? I...

The New UI Design Playground

Back in 2009 John Gruber wrote on DaringFireball.net that Twitter Clients Are a UI Design Playground and in that time it was definitely the case — there were new Twitter clients being released seemingly on a weekly basis, each with their own unique take on composing...