A Django-Style Admin Interface For Pyramid

A Django-Style Admin Interface For Pyramid

pyramid_formalchemy provides a CRUD interface for Pyramid based on FormAlchemy. Which is to say it looks at your SQLAlchemy models and automagically generates an HTML interface to create, read, update and delete instances of those models from the database, very much...

Interactive Widgets in IPython Notebooks

This post will show you how to easily create interactive graphs which are simple to share. IPython notebooks are a really nice way of sharing Python snippets intermingled with the results of those snippets and markdown. They’re popular in the scientific...
Making An Inherited API Pythonic

Making An Inherited API Pythonic

As python programmers we are sometimes faced with using an API that is, well, unpythonic. Unpythonic? Pythonic? Huh? Have you ever tried running this: python -m this Maybe you’re using a C library via ctypes, or you have inherited a collection of functions....

Project Plumbing with Plumbum (Part II)

So if you read my previous article, you’ve hopefully found that Plumbum is a fantastic tool for running and managing shell tools from Python. But stay tuned, dear readers, because we’ve only scratched the surface of the fantastic facilities that plumbum...
Tutorial: Posting to Facebook from a Django App

Tutorial: Posting to Facebook from a Django App

This tutorial is the first part of a series of tutorials that build a complete Django application, codenamed procrastination automation. The tutorial on Python Social Authentication can be considered a preface to this series – if you would like an introduction...