You Got LISP in my Python!

You Got LISP in my Python!

I’ve always been intrigued by the idea that Peter Norvig put forward, that "Basically, Python can be seen as a dialect of Lisp with "traditional" syntax." Apparently, there are folks who don’t find this sufficient. Enter "Hy"....
Vim for Python Development

Vim for Python Development

A raring, tearing, slick, awesome, fast software development editor. Here’s my vimrc. I’m sick of Sublime Text 2. It’s probably my fault. I wish it behaved like vim, which it nearly does but actually doesn’t in enough ways that I find myself glowering at it when I...
Securing Your Forms With Braintree.js

Securing Your Forms With Braintree.js

Think back to the web of fifteen years ago. Most of the web sites of the time consisted of a few pages of content along with a contact page (and maybe even a guestbook.) Most often that contact page was backed by a script that mailed the results to a fixed e-mail...

Friday Linked List 5/3/13

A quick twitter round up things that we’ve pointed to over at @artandlogic. You are following us, right? Illumiroom Microsoft Research released a very cool video of a research project that projection-maps additional video content outside the area of a TV...

Python Gotchas

There are only 2 gotchas in Python. The stack overflow post lists them, but also a bunch of other stuff. I ran into both of the gotchas in the space of a week recently and spent some time trying to figure out where the bug was. Here they are in case you find yourself...