Project Plumbing with Plumbum (Part II)

So if you read my previous article, you’ve hopefully found that Plumbum is a fantastic tool for running and managing shell tools from Python. But stay tuned, dear readers, because we’ve only scratched the surface of the fantastic facilities that plumbum...

Radically Cross Platform: Scripting with Kablooie

How would you design your own ideal scripting language?  Would you go with a functional language in the LISP family, or with a more procedural style?  Would you offer object oriented organization?  Would large parts of your ideal language be recognizable as C or...
Project Plumbing with Plumbum (Part I)

Project Plumbing with Plumbum (Part I)

Bash scripting is hard, let’s go plumbing Consider the following scenario: Let’s say you’re working on a software project. Maybe it’s a web service, maybe a GUI app, whatever. Doesn’t matter. As usual, you discover there’s some...
Adding Scripting to a Qt Application – Part 2

Adding Scripting to a Qt Application – Part 2

In Part I of this set of articles we introduced the basics of adding scripting capabilities to your Qt application. In this article we extend that to allow the user to build and utilize his own QtDesigner-created widgets through script. This article focus on adding...
Adding Scripting to a Qt Application – Part 1

Adding Scripting to a Qt Application – Part 1

Adding scripting capabilities using Qt is a painless process that can give your application’s users incredible powers to extend the functionality of your application. You can expose limited functionality for simple actions or you can expose nearly everything in the...