by Adam Singleton
As is often the case, I found myself working on a personal project and had some UI elements that *really* wanted to have some life to them on the screen. I started sketching some ideas in code, and by the time I was done with it, had created a reusable framework to add fairly rich animation capabilities to programs written using the JUCE application framework, where I have been doing a lot of work these past few years.
by Adam Singleton
So, I’m working on a side project (as one does), and reach the point in development where I need to be able to take a tree of objects that all share a common base class and persist them to and from disk.
I prefer using plain text files to binary for a bunch of different reasons, so the problem really boils down to:
At runtime, I need to be able to convert a string containing the name of a class into a pointer to an object of the corresponding C++ class. Sounds simple, right?