our blog
What to Do With Designer’s Block
I recently found myself completely stuck trying to decide on a blog post topic, when a fellow A+L designer suggested I write about being stuck. Well, that’s a good idea. I grabbed some coffee, sat down to write, and immediately felt stuck again. What is it with...
Art+Logic Recognized for Quality Development on Clutch
We live in a time of true technical marvel, featuring new software and solutions that connect the whole world over. The impacts and implementations of these technologies are far-reaching, and their importance cannot be understated. To name a couple, the mobile...
Respect the Style Guide: The Importance of Consistency in Design
If you want to earn trust and respect from your users and customers, consistency in your branding is crucial. Consistency means the tone, feel, and style of the company’s branding is the same everywhere it appears.
IoT World 2019
IoT World 2019 was definitely a solid show. We’ve been exhibiting or attending for 5 years now and it’s been great to see the show evolve. It’s gone through a few iterations as they’ve added and then removed “co-shows” like AI and Blockchain. This year’s co-show is...
Design Roles – UX & UI
(. . . and how these are two very different phases of a software project) Back in the day, we were all “web designers” - simply put. We knew everything from buying the domain name to launching the site and figured out everything in between as the project...
Good Design Can Revolutionize an Industry
When it comes to operating equipment and machinery that are governed by environmental rules and regulations, there are many reasons it is unquestionably a good idea to be in compliance. Fines for failing to do so are massive, often in the hundreds of thousands or even...
Let’s Talk about Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) is an approach to evaluating products or materials, that doesn't require their disassembly or otherwise impair their functionality. NDT can employ magnetics, ultrasound, x-rays, and other technologies. Art+Logic has worked on a variety of...
May is MIDI Month!
The MIDI Association, the free community for MIDI users, is launching the second annual May is MIDI Month membership and donation drive.
May is MIDI Month is a celebration of MIDI for the entire MIDI community: companies making MIDI products, the press/media, and musicians and artists who regularly use MIDI. MIDI connects products from different companies together and also connects creative people from around the world.
Art+Logic at SXSW 2019
SXSW is right around the corner (the Interactive Festival is from March 8-12), and we'll be there. Mark your calendars and come by and meet us. If you can't make it to one of the events below, send us a note. Native Cross-Platform Development With C++ & JUCE...
Designing for ADA Compliance (WCAG)
Navigating the physical world is hard enough for people with impaired vision. Imagine trying to navigate a website? or buying items on Amazon? something as simple as checking your online bank account is nearly impossible… unless the website meets WCAG compliance...
Book Review: Artful Design
In our age of rapidly evolving technology and unyielding human restlessness and discord, design ought to be more than simply functional; it should be expressive, socially meaningful, and humanistic. Design should transcend the purely technological, encompass the human, and strive for the sublime.
The Importance of Design in Digital Therapeutics
Find me a person who has no issues with the medical industry and I’ll find you a pig that can fly. There isn’t a person around who isn’t disturbed or appalled by the industry for one reason or another. These reasons range from misleading or inaccurate information,...